Manipur is a small state of 22327 Sq.Km. area with a population of 2,721,756 (2011 census) and having 9 (nine) Districts. Barring a central valley comprising about 9% of the total area, the remaining area is hilly terrain. 60% of the population reside in the valley districts and 40% in the hill districts.The hills are subdivided into 5 districts whereas the valley is organised into 4 districts. 60% of the State’s population resides in the valley districts. The State is backward economically and industrially and lacks in basic infrastructure. The state practically sustains on central assistance.The State is land-locked and not freely accessible with other neighbouring states. Intra-state transport system is equally poor.

The population and area of the districts in the State are as under:

Sl.No. Name of Dist. Area (Sq Km) No. of Vilgs.(2001 Census) Populn. 2011 Census Populn. density per populn
Urban Rural Total
A. Valley Dist.              
1. Imphal East 709 197 182354 270307 452661 638 1.567
2. Imphal West 519 114 318592 196091 514683 992 1.008
3. Thoubal 514 86 149206 271311 420517 818 1.222
4. Bishnupur 496 48 88295 152068 240363 485 2.062
Total Valley 2238 445 738447 889777 1628224 728 1.3736
B. Hill District              
1. Chandel 3313 350 16909 127119 144028 43 23.256
2. Churachandpur 4570 541 17373 253901 271274 59 16.949
3. Senapati 3271 604 7454 347514 354972 109 9.174
4. Tamenglong 4391 174 15727 124416 140143 32 31.25
5. Ukhrul 4544 201 26222 156893 183115 40 25.00
Total Hill 20089 1870 83685 1009843 1093532 54 18.5185
Total (Hill+Valley) 22327 2315 822132 1899620 2721756 122 8.1967

2.Health Care in the State:

The health service in the state is primarily under the government sector, although there are a few private hospitals/nursing homes to reckon with.

The health system under the State Health Department is organised at three levels, each level supported by a referral centre. The levels are:-

a)   Primary care level comprising of Primary Health Sub-Centres (PHSC), Primary Health Centres (PHC) and Community Health Centres (CHC). Essential basic health care are provided at this level.

b)  Secondary care level comprising of CHCs and District Hospital, which act as referral centres and where comparatively better services are provided with basic specialist facilities.

c)  Tertiary care level where specialist and super specialist care are provided. The State Level Hospital (JN Hospital) is providing the service.

The health indicators in the State are as follows:

Sl.No. Item Manipur State All India average
1. Infant Mortality rate 11 (SRS-11) 44 (SRS-11)
2. Crude Birth Rate 14.4 (SRS-11) 21.8 (SRS-11)
3. Crude Death Rate 4.1 (SRS-11) 7.1 (SRS-11)
4. Maternal Mortality Rate 64 (RIMS-2010-11) 212 (SRS-07-09)
80 (RIMS-2011-12)
5. TFR 1.5   2.5  
6. Sex ratio 987 (Census 2011) 940 (Census 2011)
7. % of mother with full ANC 46.7 (HMIS-10) 26.5 CES-09(Unicef)
8. Institutional Delivery % 68.3 (HMIS-10) 47.0 DLHS-3
9. % of delivery by skilled health personnel 90.3 (HMIS-10) 76.2 CES-09(Unicef)
10. Early institution of Breast Feeding 75.1 CES-9(Unicef) 33.5 CES-09(Unicef)
11. % of Child exclusively breast fed for 6 months 79.2 DLHS-3 57.1 DLHS-3
12. Fully immunized children 12-23 months 81.4 (HMIS-10) 61.0 CES-09(Unicef)

The demographic indicators in the State and target by the end of 12th plan.

Sl.No. Item Current Status Target by 12th plan end
1. Infant Mortality rate (SRS-11) 11 9
4. Maternal Mortality Rate 64-80 60
5. Total Fertility Rate 1.5 1.5
4. Malnutrition of Children (0-3 yrs) 22 15
5. Anaemia among Women (15-49 years) 35 20
6. Sex Ratio (0-6 years) 934 960
2. Crude Birth Rate (SRS-10) 14.4 12
3. Crude Death Rate (SRS-10) 4.1 3.5
6. Sex ratio(Census 2011) 987 995
7. Mothers with full ANC 46.7 80
8. Institutional Delivery 68.3 90
9. Delivery by skilled health personnel 90.3 95
10. Early institution of Breast Feeding 75.1 90
11. Child exclusively breast fed for 6 months 79.2 90
12. Fully immunized children 12-23 months 81.4 90

There has been considerable progress numerically in the establishment of health institutions in the State during the past 30 years.

The number of health institutions in the state along with bed strength is as in the table below:

Sl.No. Category of Institution Number Sanctioned bed Strength Actual bed  in position General hospital beds
A. Under the State Health Department      
1. State General Hospital 1 500 376 376
2. State TB Hospital 1 100 100 0
3. State Leprosy Hospital 1 30 6 0
4. District Hospitals 7 450 295 295
5. Sub-district Hospital 1 50 50 50
6. CHC 16 480 344 344
  Sub-total Secondary 0 1610   1065
7. PHC 85 432 370 0
8. PHSC 421 0 0 0
9. Allopathic Dispensary 20 0 0 0
10. AYUSH Dispensary 10 0 0 0
  Total:A 563 2042 1541 1065
B. Under Ministry of Health GoI      
1. RIMS Hospital 1 1074 1074 1074
C. Under Private Sector   0    
  Regd.Hospital andNursing Home 26 807 807 807
  Grand Total(A+B+C) 590 3923 3422 2946

The bed population ratio to be achieved is 1 bed per 1000 population. If we take into account the 807 beds under private hospitals and 1074 beds under RIMS the bed population ratio desired may be said as achieved for the State. However, beds in CHCs and PHCs cannot be counted as giving the desired quality care.

Again, the beds at RIMS hospital are meant for patients in the NE region and although currently almost all the beds are used by patients from Manipur State, the trend is likely to change when other new super-speciality services are added and patients start coming from other states. Again the beds in private hospitals are subject to change at their own discretion and cannot be fully relied upon.Although the health institutions under the State Health Department look adequate in number they cannot function effectively due to poor physical infrastructure and their poor maintenance.

This is most evident in the area of Secondary Health Care Institutions particularly in the district hospitals.

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